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Compare Mitsubishi Lancer insurance
Get some of the best Mitsubishi Lancer insurance quotes from across the UK
If you are starting to look for insurance quotes for your Mitsubishi Lancer, this is a great place to start. The cost of insurance can vary greatly between providers and we know that this can be confusing. However, with our independent service, you will receive some of the cheapest quotes instantly. Have a look at the information below to discover the key things you need to know before taking out a policy.
What insurance group does the Mitsubishi Lancer belong to?
The Mitsubishi ASX belongs to insurance groups 14 to 34, depending on the version of the Lancer that you own. For example, the 1.5 GS2 is relatively cheap to insure; however, the larger-engined 2.0 Ralliart GSR is significantly more expensive to cover.
How much could I save if I compare insurance quotes?
There isn’t an exact amount you can save on your insurance due to how varied quotes can be based on the year that the car was made, its engine type and size, the age of the driver, and how long the driver has had their license. However, research has shown that the average driver could save around £200 or more off the cost of their policy simply by comparing the best deals.
What type of insurance cover can I choose?
There are three main types of insurance: third party, third party fire & theft, and comprehensive. Third party is the minimum legal cover you need, and covers the cost of damage to other people’s property or injury to another person if you are responsible.
Third party fire & theft is similar to the basic cover but also pays out if your car is stolen or catches fire.
Comprehensive insurance covers the cost of any repairs that your own vehicle might need in the case that you are responsible for the accident. Comprehensive insurance also usually includes fire and theft, breakdown cover, and motor legal insurance.
Will I be able to protect my no-claims discount?
Yes, when switching providers, you can choose to protect your no-claims discount. You should be aware that switching part way through your policy could cause you to lose a full year of your no claims discount. Make sure that you are careful to watch out for these extra penalties.
Are there ways to reduce my insurance quotes?
You can reduce the cost of your quote in a number of ways. These include:
- Paying more excesses – the amount you pay before your insurer pays out
- Limiting your mileage – the amount of driving that you do per year
- Not taking on more cover than you believe you will need
- Improving the security of your vehicle – installing a car alarm system
These are some of the best ways to make significant savings on your policy. You’ll notice when you go to accept an offer, if you add on extra cover, it pushes the quote up. Think about whether you really need extra cover before taking it out.
How do I accept an offer?
Most insurers will allow you to complete the application online. In some cases, you may be asked to complete your car insurance application over the phone. You usually have up until the date your policy starts to accept an offer.