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Cheap Winnebago Motorhome Insurance

  • Quotes from UK insurance providers
  • One short form – save time & money

Policies and deals from industry leading insurance providers, including

Advance Insurance
2Gether Insurance
Caravan Guard
Adrian Flux
AIB Insurance Bureau
Brady Insurance
Motorhome Protect

What people have to say about us

Excellent price quoted. Lots of information to help provide a good service.


Cardiff, United Kingdom

Very impressed with your service & I did use the quote you gave me, but Hastings added on a fee unfortunately for their “Black box”. I still only paid £678 on a 2 ltr Passat, great value as I did not have any no claims, I give Quotezone 10 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


United Kingdom

4.76/5 from 3707 customer reviews

Winnebago Motorhome Insurance

Winnebago motorhomes were first developed in 1958 in Winnebago county, Iowa. The name has become synonymous with Recreational VehiclesRVsin American and now many people in the UK are proud owners of similar styles of motorhome. Quotezone specialise in finding you the ideal policy to mean your RV or Winnebago needs. Our team of experts can connect you with a range of UK insurers and brokers who offer you a list of comparison choices, from which you can pick your best price. The cheap quotes come from sources we match to you, to compare each policy and its details to find the best and most suitable one.

What sort of insurance would I need?

Initially you should consider the style of motorhome you own. If your vehicle is imported from a foreign country you may have issues with some insurance providers who may not insure your specific Winnebago. The UK has specific restrictions over length of Winnebago motorhomes and they must not exceed 12 metres in length or 2.55 metres in width. If your vehicle does exceed that measurement you must have an IVAIndividual Vehicle Approval Certificate. If any policy you are considering has a breakdown and recovery option it must not exceed safety lengths for recovery vehicles.

Quotezone are brokers, yes?

Quotezone are not brokers, but we do deal with them in our lines of business. We find you quotes from brokers or providers but we do not directly sell insurance to you, nor do we underwrite it.