Most common driving offences across the UK

The most common driving offences in the UK have been analysed by region as new government data shows driving convictions have increased by 14% in the last year.*
Car insurance comparison platform has crunched data from over 6,000 convicted drivers to uncover which driving offences are most common across different parts of the UK.
The analysis of these penalties revealed that certain offences were more common in some parts of the country than in others.
Drivers in Scotland have the most combination dangerous driving charges compared to the rest of the UK – a DD40 conviction pertaining to a combination of dangerous, speed, or reckless driving.
A dangerous driving charge sees a penalty of three to 11 penalty points, lasting on driving records for four years, as well as a hefty fine and increased insurance premiums.
Motorists in the North West have the highest number of drink driving convictions – over four times more convictions than the neighbouring North East.
Driving with alcohol levels above the legal limit (DR10) stays on the driving record for over a decade, and is responsible for 15% of road deaths a year.**
The latest Department for Transport data shows the percentage of road casualties occurring in drink-driving collisions stood at 5.6% in the North West.**
Yorkshire and the Humber sees the most motorists who are repeat offenders – under the penalty code TT99, disqualified under totting up procedure.
This occurs when drivers have accumulated the maximum of 12 points on their licence, which could be from one singular offence or from several convictions over a period of time.
Motorists may be disqualified from driving for six months if they have a total of 12 penalty points or more within three years, and will be displayed on their licence for four years after conviction.
The data shows that the East Midlands has the highest number of motorists who run red lights, where the penalty TS10 is for failing to comply with traffic light signals.
With an increase in traffic light cameras being installed up and down the UK, more and more motorists are being caught illegally driving through a red light.
This adds three points onto the driving licence, as well as a £100 fine if caught on red-light cameras or by on-site police.
A CD20 penalty code for driving without reasonable consideration for other road users, has the highest number of reports in the East of England.
So-called incompetent drivers could be hit with three to nine penalty points, and often pertains when the motorist aims to inconvenience other road users and potentially put them in danger.
Londoners have the highest number of motorists who have been caught speeding in a 30mph zone – with the SP30 exceeding the statutory speed limit along public roads.
Given the large number of speeding drivers in the capital city, Transport for London has announced the Vision Zero policy, which in part will reduce the speed limit on many existing 30mph roads to cut the number of fatal collisions and accidents.***
Although it has been over a year since the government declared zero tolerance for driving and using a mobile phone, motorists in the South East of England have the highest number of CU80 convictions in the UK.****
It is now illegal to have a hold of a mobile phone across the UK, and sees motorists slapped with up to six points and £1000 fines.*****
Greg Wilson, Founder and CEO of said: “It’s shocking to see the number of motorists who still break the laws of the Highway Code up and down the country.
“We’ve crunched the numbers and have found that seven of the regions across the UK have the highest proportion of drivers for a singular conviction.
“The North of England has the most repeat offenders behind the wheel (Yorkshire), as well as the largest amount of drink driving charges (North West).
“Scotland sees the most number of motorists charged with dangerous driving – and the East Mids is the region with the highest number of drivers illegally running through red lights – which could land them with three penalty points and a £100 fine.
“Speeding in 30mph zones is the most common driving offence in the capital city – despite London’s efforts to reduce the average speed on many roads down to 20mph.
“The East of England has the highest number of incompetent drivers, who are caught driving without consideration for other road users, whereas in the South East, using mobile phones behind the wheel is the highest in the UK.
“We urge all drivers up and down the country to brush up on their knowledge of the Highway Code to avoid any driving offence charges and convictions for breaking the law.
“Research into the effects such convictions can have on your insurance costs show just three penalty points could raise a driver’s car insurance premium by an average of 5%, while six penalty points could push the cost of insurance up by an average of 25%.” helps around 3 million users every year find savings on household bills and essentials such as breakdown cover, car and motorbike insurance.

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