How long do you have to report a car accident to your insurance company

Getting into a car accident is stressful, you can often forget all the finer details about your insurance policy and the steps you should follow after an accident. Luckily we’re here to help you with all the information you need around contacting your insurance after an accident.
How long do you have to report a car accident to your insurance company
24 hours is the maximum time most insurers will allow for you to report an accident for your coverage to be valid. As a golden rule you should always contact your insurance as soon as possible after an accident. For the exact time limit you have to report an accident to your insurer you should refer to your policy details.
Things you’ll have needed to do immediately after the accident.
- Find a safe place to pull over if possible, put on your hazards and switch off the engine and take the keys from the ignition
- If anyone involved requires medical aid call 999
- If the road is blocked call 999
- If you think the other driver is under the influence of drugs, alcohol or they are uninsured or deliberately driving recklessly call 999
- Remain calm and do not be aggressive
- Get photos of the incident and the registrations of the cars involved
- Exchange details with the other party such as ID, insurance details and contact details
- Make note of any injuries to protect against false claims later
- Do not admit liability until you have spoken with your insurance
- Notify police within 24 hours if only a minor incident
- If you’re involved in an accident, you must stay at the scene for a reasonable time. You are legally required to give your name, address, and vehicle registration number to anyone affected by the accident within reason.
You should not admit liability straight after a crash as determining who is at fault is not always a straightforward affair and you may wrongly admit to something. Discuss the situation with your insurance and give all the relevant details. Be as truthful and honest as possible so your claim can be dealt with as smoothly as possible. When at the scene of the crash, if you are pressured to give a statement of who’s at fault just say “I need to talk to my insurance first to discuss it”. Remain calm and do not be aggressive, your insurance is there to help so pass on all the relevant information and leave it with them.
What happens if you report an accident late
If you don’t report an accident in time your cover may be void and you could potentially have your policy cancelled for non-disclosure. Your insurer may give you some wiggle room if you are just over the normal 24 limit but it is not advised to rely on this. If you don’t report an accident you run the risk of your insurance finding out later and cancelling your insurance policy for non-disclosure. Insurance companies share information with each other so It’s best not to take the risk.
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