Car Seized For No Insurance How To Get It Back

If police believe that your vehicle has not been insured then they will seize it and have it brought to a police pound, these are usually located by a police station. Driving in the UK without insurance is illegal and will come with a £ 300 fine, 6 penalty points and a possible vehicle seizure.
*Letting others borrow your car also increases the chance of your car being seized if they are not insured under your vehicle.
How to get back a seized car
It is important to notify the pound as soon as possible of your intention to reclaim your vehicle, if you don’t do this within 7 days you run the risk of losing your vehicle. You will receive a form number 3708 from the officer who seized your car or through the post. This form will have the relevant details on where you need to go to claim your car and the charges that will need to be paid for your car’s release.
It’s also important to bear in mind that your regular car insurance won’t cover an impounded vehicle, so you will need a special short-term car insurance policy known as impound insurance before the pound will release the vehicle to you.
How much does it cost to release an impounded car?
The typical cost to have your car released from the pound is £150 plus a £20 per day storage charge, which will run for as long as your car is impounded. If your car has not been taxed you will probably need to pay a deposit to cover the cost of a 6-month road fund licence. You will need to make your payments either in person or over the phone or online. Foreign currency will not be accepted.
What if I can’t afford to release my car?
After a period of 14 days you will lose your ownership of your vehicle, this means your vehicle will be sold by the police if you do not reclaim it by this time. Any storage charges would be waived and usually, the £75 disposal fee as selling impounded vehicles will usually cover any holding charges. You can appeal to the police for an extension or reconsideration if you believe you have a valid reason for not currently having insurance but this is by no means guaranteed.
Why you should get insurance asap
Insurance is a legal requirement for driving on the road in the UK. Without it you run the risk of fines, penalty points or even losing your vehicle and licence. If you need quick and cheap car insurance Quotezones state of the art comparison tool has you covered.
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