Towing a trailer – what are the insurance implications?

Trailers are handy for all sorts of things, whether you’re taking garden waste to the tip or transporting heavier items like bikes or furniture. But does your car insurance cover you when you’re driving with a trailer, or do you need separate insurance to tow a trailer in the UK?
Does car insurance cover towing a trailer as standard?
While policy features and exclusions do vary from one provider to the next, many car insurance policies do provide policyholders with some level of coverage when they’re towing a trailer. However, it’s important to bear in mind that these policies will usually only provide third-party cover for the trailer, and this is likely to hold true even if you have a fully comprehensive car insurance policy yourself. In other words, if your trailer causes injury to someone else or damage to their property your policy should cover the cost of compensating that third party, but it won’t cover the cost of damage to your own trailer or its contents.
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Do I need trailer insurance?
When asking what insurance you need to tow a trailer, you need to consider how you are using the trailer. Trailer insurance is not a legal requirement in the UK, but it’s certainly worth considering because most car insurance policies won’t cover the cost if your trailer is damaged or stolen or something happens to the contents of the trailer.
Of course, if you’re only using a trailer for a single journey (and that journey isn’t going to take you from one end of the country to the other) you might decide to forego trailer insurance, particularly if your car insurance policy covers you in the event of damage to a third party’s vehicle.
If you’re planning to use your trailer fairly regularly, though, or if your carrying valuable contents in the trailer, it might be worth investing in a relatively cheap trailer insurance policy.
It’s also worth bearing in mind that some specialist trailer insurance providers sometimes offer more comprehensive packages including accidental damage, European cover and insurance for high-value items.
What should you do before towing a trailer for the first time
You should invest in professional training from accredited trainers who can give you the skills and confidence to safely tow a trailer. Become competent in hitching, reversing and checking the trailer for defects so you can safely drive with a tow on public roads.
Will a separate trailer policy protect my no-claims discount?
Having a separate trailer insurance policy will not impact your car insurance’s no-claims discount. The reason for this is they are two separate policies and trailer insurance is not considered a form of motor insurance. It is a good idea to check directly with your insurer to see how separate trailer insurance may impact your no-claims discount on car insurance.
If a trailer is covered are there any size or weight restrictions?
Your car will have a maximum towing weight which you shouldn’t exceed – you’ll be able to find this in your vehicle handbook. Going over this limit is potentially dangerous and could also invalidate your insurance – if in doubt, weigh your car and the trailer at a public weighbridge. In terms of legal towing limits in the UK, it depends on when you passed your test:
- If you passed before 1 January 1997 you will have trailer size and weight restrictions with a combined weight of up to 8,250kg maximum authorised mass or MAM (this includes the maximum allowed load).
- If you passed on or after 1 January 1997 you can drive a vehicle up to 3,500kg MAM while towing a trailer up to 750kg MAM. You can also tow a trailer over 750kg MAM as long as the combined MAM of the trailer and vehicle is no more than 3,500kg.
Is a caravan covered by my car insurance?
It’s worth checking your own insurance provider’s terms and conditions because policy features and exclusions can vary, but in most cases, caravans are treated in the same way as trailers so you should be covered for any third-party damage you might cause. However, unless you take out a separate caravan insurance policy your caravan and its contents usually won’t be covered by your car insurance policy even if it’s damaged during a car accident.
Are horseboxes covered under trailer insurance?
This depends on the type of horsebox you have. If you’ve got a motorised horsebox (meaning it’s more like a motorhome than a trailer because it has its own engine) then it’s treated just like any other self-powered road vehicle and will require its own horsebox insurance policy before you’ll legally be allowed to drive it on public roads. If your horsebox is a trailer towed by your car, though, then the same rules that apply to a trailer will usually apply to that horsebox – meaning most car insurance providers will cover you for third-party damage but your horsebox trailer and (more importantly) your horse will not be insured. For that, you’ll need to take out specific horse insurance.
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